polished travertine tiles antique turkey - Sektorgezgini.comLogo

polished travertine tiles antique turkey

polished travertine tiles, ant..
NO #008214
TİPİ Hizmet
FİRMA ASSOS Ant?que Marble Bal?kesir T?rkiye
GİRİŞ TARİH 9.12.2010
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  • Açıklamalar
polished travertine tiles, antique turkey . As one of Turkey's leading manufacturers of natural stone, we give brief information about our companyour productswe ask you to promote our brand more closely: Assos Antique Marble (Balikesir), natural stone production, "aging", "honing", "polishing""brush" is specialized in manufacturing varieties. Various colors, sizesshapes tile, mosaic, border, medallion, sink,is available in our production profile. Our products are the source of travertine, marble, lime stone (limestone)the glass is. From different regions of Turkeythe world are produced in 50 different colors of travertine marbleappreciation of our valuable customers are domesticforeign market. You can also request for any kind of movement in accordance with the principle of the research on the quality of natural stone production, can be produced. Annual production capacity: 300,000 m 2 for the mosaics, tiles For the 400,000 m2. You can visit our web site to see the product variety (www.assosmarble.com),a catalog, samples ...so on. you can order.